Welcome To My Site!
This is the diva zone for only the most supreme divas. Basically my little hub for whatever I want (within reason). « About » if you wanna know more about me & the history of this page. « Blog » will have a bunch of unedited & unabridged ramblings about various topics. « Covers » has both my personal scans/edits of album covers, as well as resources to go find high quality album artwork. « The Dump » is basically the miscellaneous page, there isn't a theme to that one. « Links » if you want to find me elsewhere on the Internet, plus links to visit my favorite websites & people.
Image Disclaimer
Every image hosted on this website is either my own personal creation, a copyrighted image used with permission (either through public domain, Creative Commons or direct permission), or a copyrighted image used without permission that I believe falls under "fair use" as according to US copyright law (where I am based & also the stance my hosting provider takes). Copyrighted images are cited (to the best of my ability) using the "title" attribute (becomes visible when hovering over an image while using a desktop browser). Any copyrighted images are being used for personal & artistic purposes only; there are no intentions of making money off this website or using this website for any commercial purposes. If you believe your copyright is being infringed upon, please consult the DMCA guidelines of my hosting provider.
Subscribe To My RSS Feed
What is RSS? An updated feed of content that can be read by a dedicated app (known as an "RSS reader"). In other words, it allows people to keep up with my content online. You can follow most blogs, news websites & Bluesky accounts via RSS!
Where can I download these RSS readers? There's lots for you to choose from but the ones I use personally are RSS Guard for Windows & Reeder for iOS.
What content should I expect from your RSS feed?
- Website updates
- New blog posts